The Newton Town Plot Historic District & Local Historic District
Grant Writing and Administration, Historic Preservation Planning
Town of Newton, Sussex County, Historic Preservation Advisory Commission
The Town of Newton submitted an application in April 2021 to the New Jersey Historic Trust for the Historic Site Management (“HSM”) Grant round for reconnaissance-level architectural surveys of all properties within the Newton Town Plot and Local Historic districts. The Town was awarded $30,000 in 2021 and the project addressed the needs of the Town by providing reconnaissance-level surveys, which involve a general review of literature about a community and its history.
This project created approximately 200 updated surveys of all parcels within both historic districts and provided detailed background information about the street-facing façades and history of each property, which gave a look into Newton’s past.
In 2023, Newton submitted a second application to the New Jersey Historic Trust for an additional HSM Grant, but at an intensive level. The Town was awarded $32,813 in 2023 for the project. Intensive level surveys provide even more detailed information about the history, architectural features, the “contributing status” of a building and/or structure to the district, etc. of each parcel within the district.
The completion of this project will further assist the Newton Historic Preservation Advisory Commission in its reviews of buildings/structures within the Town’s historic districts.
The 2023 HSM grant is a continuation of the 2021 HSM Grant, but with greater detail. It includes intensive level reviews of all contributing structures in the district.
The surveys will provide additional information to the Historic Preservation Advisory Commission, the Governing Body and the public.
There are plans to utilize the information in the surveys for self-guided historic walking tours and historic tourism projects.
We specialize in small to mid-sized municipalties and we’d love to help.
TELL US ABOUT YOUR PROJECT“Visionary and practical at the same time. That’s rare.”
—Tom | Town Manager, Newton